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Note 3: To view all of the parameters designated for this ticket (sample composition, temperature and pressure, measurement type, ...etc) please click on the "Print" link in the upper right hand corner. The parameters shown in the Printer Friendly View reflect either the information provided when you completed the application form ticket sales inquiry or this information was entered by an ASTI operator after verbal discussions with you or correspondence on this ticket. If any of the information should not accurately reflect your process application, please notify us so that it can be corrected.
Advanced Sensor Technologies, Inc.
603 North Poplar Street, Orange, California 92868-1011 USA
Tel: + (1) 714-978-2837  Toll-Free: + (1) 888-969-2784 Fax: + (1) 714-978-6339
Website: http://www.astisensor.com
Manufacturing Long-Lasting Industrial pH, ORP, Ion Selective (ISE) Sensors, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) & Conductivity Sensors for Difficult Process Control Measurement and Monitoring Applications
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